Current Issue

Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 11/28/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Başkent University Faculty of Law Journal aims to contribute to the national and international legal literature by publishing scientifically qualified articles, book reviews, translations, legislative evaluations, informative notes, and judicial decision analyses in the field of legal science. The journal is published twice a year, aiming to present studies on current legal developments to readers within a reasonable time frame.

The journal has been a valuable resource for academics, practitioners, and students during its publication life. It aims to enhance its international interaction by publishing articles not in Turkish law but in the fields of international law, comparative law, and European Union law. Articles published in the journal may be in Turkish, English, German, or French. The journal is separated into two sections: private law and public law. The journal accepts articles in areas such as Constitutional Law; Human Rights Law; International Law; Criminal Law; Administrative Law; Civil Law; Commercial Law; Tax Law; Civil Procedure - Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law; Legal History; Sociology of Law and Philosophy of Law; European Union Law, Comparative Law, and Information Technology Law.

As of 2023, Başkent University Faculty of Law Journal has transitioned to the “Dergipark” system. Therefore, the review processes are conducted through the Dergipark system.
In addition to the articles that undergo review, the journal may also include book reviews, legislation evaluations, informative notes, and judicial decision analyses. Such works may be accepted or rejected by the Editorial Board.
Submissions to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication elsewhere. The submission of the article to our journal means that the author's commitment in this regard.
The initial evaluation of the submissions to the journal is conducted by the Editorial Board. After this evaluation, the review process for the submissions begins. At the end of this process, a decision is made on whether the submissions will be published, revised (based on the reviewers' reports), or rejected.
Başkent University Faculty of Law Journal holds all publication rights, including the electronic publication of the full text, for the works that are decided to be published.

The work must comply with the current spelling and grammar rules accepted by the Turkish Language Association, as well as the "Başkent University Faculty of Law Journal Writing and Citation Rules". If these rules are not followed, the Editorial Board may request the author to revise the work in accordance with the relevant rules.
Works must be uploaded to the Dergipark system in “.doc” or “.docx” file format, in two copies, one of which must be anonymized.
The title of the work should be centered on the page and written in all capital letters in both Turkish and English, one under the other.
The author's title and full name must be placed below the title on the right side. A footnote marked with an asterisk (*) at the end of the author's surname must include the author's contact information (institution, department, institutional email address, ORCID number).
Example: Faculty Member of Başkent University Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, Email:, ORCID No: 0000-0000-0000-0000.
The work must include “Abstract” and “Keywords” in both Turkish and English. Only the first letters of the words in the keywords should be capitalized, and the words should be separated by commas.
In the work, 1.25 cm paragraph indentation should be used, and all paragraphs should be left-aligned.
Footnotes should be added at the end of the relevant page in successional numbers and edge-aligned.
For footnotes used at the end of a sentence, the footnote should be placed before the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence without leaving a space.
The main text of the work should be written with 1.5 line spacing, in Times New Roman font, and 12 point size. Footnotes should be designated at the bottom of the page with single line spacing, in Times New Roman font, and 10-point size.
The heading symbols should be created in the following manner:
First-level subsection: I, II, III … (I. BLACK, BOLD AND ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)
Second-level subsection: A, B, C … (A. Black, Bold and Only the First Letters Capitalized)
Third-level subsection: 1, 2, 3 … (1. Black, Bold and Only the First Letters Capitalized)
Fourth-level subsection: a, b, c … (a. Black, Bold and Only the First Letters Capitalized)
Fifth-level subsection: aa, bb, cc … (aa. Italic, Thin and Only the First Letters Capitalized)
Contents and abbreviation list should not be included within the text. When a name or title is abbreviated for the first time in the text, it should be written in full and its abbreviation should be stated in parentheses next to it.

1. Book Citations
a. Single Author
First citation in footnote: İhsan Erdoğan, Hukuka Giriş, 4. B., Ankara 2023, s. 20.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Erdoğan,s. 22.
Bibliography: Erdoğan, İhsan, Hukuka Giriş, 4. B., Ankara 2023.
b. Multiple Authors
First citation in footnote: Fikret Eren/İpek Yücer Aktürk, Türk Miras Hukuku, 4. B., Ankara 2023, s. 100.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Eren/Yücer Aktürk, s. 105.
Bibliography: Eren, Fikret/Yücer Aktürk, İpek, Türk Miras Hukuku, 4. B., Ankara 2023.

2. Citing Multiple Works by One (or More) Author(s)
In this case, the abbreviations should be stated in parentheses at the end of the work.
First citation in footnote: Baki Kuru, Nizasız Kaza, Ankara 1961, s. 40.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Kuru, Nizasız Kaza, s. 45.
Bibliography: Kuru, Baki, Nizasız Kaza, Ankara 1961. (Nizasız Kaza).

First citation in footnote: Baki Kuru, İcra ve İflas Hukuku El Kitabı, 2. B., Ankara 2013, s. 200.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Kuru, El Kitabı, s. 215.
Bibliography: Kuru, Baki, İcra ve İflas Hukuku El Kitabı, 2. B., Ankara 2013. (El Kitabı).

3. Citation of Translated Works
First citation in footnote: Andreas von Tuhr, Borçlar Hukukunun Umumi Kısmi, Çev. Cevat Edege, C. 1-2, Ankara 1983, s. 70.
Subsequent citation in footnote: von Tuhr, s. 72.
Bibliography: von Tuhr, Andreas, Borçlar Hukukunun Umumi Kısmi, Çev. Cevat Edege, C. 1-2, Ankara 1983.

4. Citation of a Chapter in an Edited Book
When citing a specific chapter (paragraph, article, etc.) in an edited book, the author of the chapter and the title of the chapter should be included.
For example:
First citation in footnote: Güray Erdönmez, “Usûl İşlemleri”, Pekcanıtez Usûl Medenî Usûl Hukuku, Ed.: Prof. Dr. Hakan Pekcanıtez, Prof. Dr. Muhammet Özekes, Doç. Dr. Mine Akkan, Doç. Dr. Hülya Taş Korkmaz, C. I, 15. B., İstanbul 2017, s. 437.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Erdönmez, “Usûl İşlemleri”, s. 440.
Bibliography: Erdönmez, Güray, “Usûl İşlemleri”, Pekcanıtez Usûl Medenî Usûl Hukuku, Ed.: Prof. Dr. Hakan Pekcanıtez, Prof. Dr. Muhammet Özekes, Doç. Dr. Mine Akkan, Doç. Dr. Hülya Taş Korkmaz, C. I, 15. B., İstanbul 2017.

5. Citation of the Entire Edited Book
First citation in footnote: Hakan Pekcanıtez/Muhammet Özekes/Mine Akkan/Hülya Taş Korkmaz, Ed., Pekcanıtez Usûl Medenî Usûl Hukuku, C. I, 15. B., İstanbul 2017, s. 97.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Pekcanıtez/Özekes/Akkan/Taş Korkmaz, s. 100.
Bibliography: Pekcanıtez, Hakan/Özekes, Muhammet/Akkan, Mine/Taş Korkmaz, Hülya (Ed.), Pekcanıtez Usûl Medenî Usûl Hukuku, C. I, 15. B., İstanbul 2017.

6. Journal and Periodical Publication Citations
a. Single Author
For example:
First citation in footnote: Rıza Ayhan, “Son Değişikliklerle Ticari Dava ve Ticaret Mahkemelerinin Görev Sahası Hakkında Getirilen Yenilikler”, (Başkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Y. 2015, C. 1, S. 1, s. 13-64), s. 16.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Ayhan, s. 40.
Bibliography: Ayhan, Rıza, “Son Değişikliklerle Ticari Dava ve Ticaret Mahkemelerinin Görev Sahası Hakkında Getirilen Yenilikler”, Başkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Y. 2015, C. 1, S. 1, s. 13-64.
b. Multiple Authors
For example:
First citation in footnote: Baki Kuru/Ali Cem Budak, ”Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu’nun Getirdiği Başlıca Yenilikler”, (İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, Y. 2011, C. 85, S. 5, s. 3-43), s. 25.
Subsequent citation in footnote: Kuru/Budak, s. 38.
Bibliography: Kuru, Baki/Budak, Ali Cem, ”Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu’nun Getirdiği Başlıca Yenilikler”, İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, Y. 2011, C. 85, S. 5, s. 3-43.

7. Citations to the Official Gazette
For example:
RG, 02.11.2023, S. 32357

8. Citations to Judicial Decisions
For example:
Y. 13. HD., E. 28425, K. 1470, T. 07.02.2017: Source of the Judicial Decision
Example: Y. 13. HD., E. 28425, K. 1470, T. 07.02.2017: Kazancı İçtihat Bilgi Bankası

İstanbul BAM 3. HD., E. 3017, K. 2933, T. 12.10.2023: Source of the Judicial Decision
Example: İstanbul BAM 3. HD., E. 3017, K. 2933, T. 12.10.2023: E-Uyar Online İçtihat Programı
There is no specific procedure for citing foreign court decisions. However, the author must consistently apply the same citation format for foreign court decisions throughout the entire work.

9. Citations to Electronic Sources
For example:
First citation: Vural Seven, Afet Sigortaları Kanunu Kapsamında DASK’a Açılacak Davalarda Zorunlu Arabuluculuk Dava Şartının Değerlendirilmesi, Lexpera Blog, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2023)
Subsequent citation: Seven, Lexpera Blog*.
*If the electronic source includes page numbers, the first and subsequent citations should also include the page number.
Bibliography: Since the access date is already included in the text, there is no need to mention it again in the bibliography.
For example:

10. Bibliography
At the end of the work, a section containing the sources used in the study should be included. The title of the section containing physical sources should be “Bibliography” (BLACK, BOLD, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 POINT AND JUSTIFIED); the title of the section containing electronic sources should be “Electronic Sources” (BLACK, BOLD, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 POINT AND JUSTIFIED).
The studies in the bibliography should be designated Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing, and justified alignment. The sources should be arranged alphabetically by the authors' last names.
For example:
Ayhan, Rıza, “Son Değişikliklerle Ticari Dava ve Ticaret Mahkemelerinin Görev Sahası Hakkında Getirilen Yenilikler”, Başkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Y. 2015, C. 1, S. 1, s. 13-64.
Erdoğan, İhsan, Hukuka Giriş, 4. B., Ankara 2023.
Erdönmez, Güray, “Usûl İşlemleri”, Pekcanıtez Usûl Medenî Usûl Hukuku, Ed.: Prof. Dr. Hakan Pekcanıtez, Prof. Dr. Muhammet Özekes, Doç. Dr. Mine Akkan, Doç. Dr. Hülya Taş Korkmaz, C. I, 15. B., İstanbul 2017.
Eren, Fikret/Yücer Aktürk, İpek, Türk Miras Hukuku, 4. B., Ankara 2023.
Kuru, Baki, İcra ve İflas Hukuku El Kitabı, 2. B., Ankara 2013. (El Kitabı).
Kuru, Baki, Nizasız Kaza, Ankara 1961. (Nizasız Kaza).
Kuru, Baki/Budak, Ali Cem, ”Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu’nun Getirdiği Başlıca Yenilikler”, İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, Y. 2011, C. 85, S. 5, s. 3-43.
von Tuhr, Andreas, Borçlar Hukukunun Umumi Kısmi, Çev. Cevat Edege, C. 1-2, Ankara 1983.


The articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication; submission of the article to our journal means that the author's commitment to this condition. It is suppose that the authors have reviewed their articles and that they consider them "ready for publication" in their current form. Articles that do not meet scientific standards (in terms of subject area review), do not comply to the journal's writing rules, or contain an excessive number of writing errors will be rejected during the preliminary evaluation conducted by the editorial board. The editorial board may make corrections in the abstract and spelling mistakes which is necessary. The articles that are initially evaluated by the editorial board are sent to two reviewers after the authors' names are removed from the text, in accordance with the blind review system. Authors are not informed about which reviewer their article has been sent to. If corrections are requested in the reviewers' reports, the author may only make changes within the framework of the specified corrections. After making the corrections, the article may be resubmitted for review according to the reviewers' recommendations. If one reviewer gives a positive opinion and the other gives a negative opinion, the decision to publish the article will be made based on the editor's opinion. Unpublished articles will not be returned to the author. The author will be informed about the status. If the article is accepted for publication, all publication rights, including the electronic publication of the full text, belong to the Faculty of Law at Başkent University. Authors are considered to have transferred their copyright to the University, and no additional copyright fee will be paid. The views expressed in the published article are the author's own. The Faculty does not accept any responsibility in this regard.

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